
Dyre Lupine Howl At The Moon, But Miss The Mark With Their Single ‘We Howl’

Genre: Metal.

Location: Wichita, KS-USA.

Dyre Lupine. Where to begin with this eclectic assembly of audial anarchy? Well, one thing’s for sure: they aren’t your run-of-the-mill band. No, they’re the kind of band that makes you question your life choices as you wonder how you ended up listening to this unholy amalgamation of noise.

Let’s dive right in, shall we? The sound of Dyre Lupine is like that annoying itch you can’t reach. It grates on your nerves, and just when you think it can’t get worse, it does. Imagine a cat screeching in agony while a banshee sings lead vocals. It’s a vocal performance so high-pitched and abrasive that it’s like nails on a chalkboard during an earthquake. Dyre Lupine has a special talent – they’ve managed to make listening to their music feel like an endurance test, and trust me, you’ll need endurance to make it through a full track.

Now, about their love for werewolves and Lovecraftian horror: it’s like they watched every B-grade horror movie from the ’80s and thought, “Hey, let’s turn this into music!” The result is an auditory nightmare that Lovecraft himself would find unsettling. It’s as if they’re trying to summon eldritch horrors through their amps, and honestly, we’re not sure if that’s a musical genre or a cry for help.

But here’s the kicker, folks. Despite their obsession with “evil nerd shit,” these guys somehow manage to live above their moms’ basements. It’s almost impressive how they’ve defied expectations by not dwelling in the dark, damp recesses of their parents’ homes. Perhaps their true talents lie in escapism rather than music.

In conclusion, Dyre Lupine may not be everyone’s cup of tea, or even their cup of hemlock. They’ve managed to create a sound so grating, it’s like an assault on the senses. And their love for the macabre? Well, let’s just say it’s about as subtle as a sledgehammer to the face. But hey, they’ve found their niche in the world of music, and for that, we can only offer our condolences to anyone who stumbles upon their cacophonous creations. Dyre Lupine, you’ve left your mark, though it’s more of a scar than a masterpiece. Bravo, we guess?


For those who possess a masochistic inclination and an insatiable appetite for the auditory grotesque, Dyre Lupine graciously offers their musical endeavors. You may procure their CD exclusively from The Gate Record storeThe Gate Record store, nestled in the charming embrace of Wichita, Kansas. Alternatively, you can subject yourself to their cacophonous catastrophe by downloading this auditory assault from their Bandcamp pageBandcamp page. Either way, rest assured that the band members themselves will never witness a solitary dime of your hard-earned currency.


Bandcamp: @dyrelupine

Facebook: Dyre Lupine

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Written by Richard Fitzgood

Richard Fitzgood is like John Cena-you can’t see him. But that’s where the similarities end.

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