
DEFILED SACRAMENT’s SINGLE ‘For Those Pulling The Strings’ Is a Guttural Symphony of Suck

Genre: death metal.

Location: Minneapolis, MN-USA.

Minneapolis-based Defiled Sacrament is like that awkward kid in the class talent show who tries so hard to impress but ends up being the punchline of every joke. If “For Those Pulling the Strings” is their attempt at musical prowess, they’ve achieved something remarkable—remarkably bad, that is. Congratulations, guys, you’ve managed to redefine what it means to be a lousy death metal band, and not in a good way.

Let’s start with those guttural vocals that sound like a constipated demon trying to exorcise its own vocal cords. It’s as if the lead singer inhaled a colony of rabid bats and decided to let them loose in his throat, resulting in a sound that’s a perfect mix of indistinguishable growls and primal screams. If this is what being possessed by the spirit of death metal sounds like, I’ll stick to my Saturday night karaoke sessions, thank you very much.

The guitars are a chaotic mess, as if the band members were playing a game of “who can make the most dissonant noise.” The riffs are so convoluted that they sound like the musical equivalent of a Picasso painting—fragmented, disjointed, and utterly confusing. It’s almost impressive how they manage to make every note sound like a car crash between a garbage truck and a jackhammer. Forget about headbanging; listening to this track feels more like trying to navigate a maze blindfolded.

And let’s not forget the drums, which sound like someone put a toddler behind a drum kit and told them to go wild. The drumming is so inconsistent and offbeat that it’s as if the drummer has a vendetta against rhythm itself. Maybe they’re trying to recreate the experience of walking through a minefield, but instead of exploding bombs, you get exploding eardrums. Bravo, Defiled Sacrament, for making even the simplest beats sound like a game of musical Russian roulette.

Lyrically, “For Those Pulling the Strings” is a masterclass in mediocrity. The band takes a deep dive into the abyss of clichés, serving up lines so uninspired that they make Nickelback’s lyrics sound like Shakespearean poetry. The lyrical content feels like a random assortment of angsty words pulled from a hat, thrown together in a haphazard attempt to sound profound. But much like a toddler playing dress-up, the result is more laughable than laudable.

As for the technical prowess that’s supposed to be Defiled Sacrament’s claim to fame, it’s about as impressive as a three-legged turtle in a sprinting competition. The time signatures and polyrhythms feel like an afterthought, thrown in to distract from the fact that there’s very little substance beneath the chaotic surface. It’s like they’re desperately trying to prove they’re the intellectual giants of death metal, but end up tripping over their own musical ineptitude.

In summary, “For Those Pulling the Strings” is a symphony of suckiness that leaves a trail of disappointment in its wake. Defiled Sacrament might think they’re pushing the boundaries of death metal, but what they’re actually doing is pushing the patience of anyone unfortunate enough to listen. If you’re into music that sounds like a cat being strangled while falling down a flight of stairs, this track might just be your auditory nirvana. But for the rest of us, it’s a reminder that not all attempts at musical innovation are worth celebrating.


Defiled Sacrament will be playing day two of a 2-day Halloween festival called Slamoween in Sheboygan, WI at a place called My Place Bar And Grill on October 28, 2023. Presumably, there will be a bunch of drunk idiots slamming into each other, because that tracks with the level of intelligence we just finished listening to.

Facebook: @defiledmn

Spotify: Defiled Sacrament

YouTube: Defiled Sacrament

Apple Music: Defiled Sacrament

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Written by Richard Fitzgood

Richard Fitzgood is like John Cena-you can’t see him. But that’s where the similarities end.

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