
VILE AMBASSADOR Dropped A New Single Called ‘Foreign Lab Hypocrisy’ And That Lab Needs To Be Droned ASAP

Genre: death metal.

Location: Milwaukee, WI-USA.

Buckle up, buckaroos! Because we’re about to plunge into the auditory abyss that is Vile Ambassador and their cacophony of chaos titled “Foreign Lab Hypocrisy.” Hailing from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the only thing foreign here is the concept of good taste in metal.

So, picture this: a blend of melodic death metal à la The Black Dahlia Murder and At The Gates, mixed with old school technical death metal influences. It’s like they raided a musical thrift store, throwing together elements like a deranged DJ on a hallucinogenic bender. Blast beats, check. Melodic but heavy riffing, check. Vocals alternating between screaming and growling, check. A melodic, harmonized twin-guitar lead solo? Well, that’s the musical cherry on top of this sonic disaster.

Now, the lyrics? No one knows. It’s like trying to decipher ancient hieroglyphs while blindfolded. The vocals are a guttural mishmash of screams and growls, creating a linguistic tapestry so indecipherable, even Rosetta Stone would throw in the towel.

But wait, there’s more! A previous masterpiece from Vile Ambassador titled “Burn Down The Night.” It’s like they’re on a mission to scorch every sonic landscape they touch. The only thing burning is the patience of anyone subjected to their musical endeavors.

With each passing track, Vile Ambassador seems determined to be the auditory equivalent of a hurricane, leaving a trail of sonic destruction in their wake. So, steel yourselves, dear listeners, for the impending storm, as Vile Ambassador prepares to unleash a new wave of chaos upon the unsuspecting masses. May your ears find solace in the chaos, for resistance is futile in the face of the Vile Ambassador sonic onslaught.

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, known for beer, cheese, and apparently now, Vile Ambassador. The land where good music goes to die a slow, painful death. It’s like they took a stroll through the city, absorbed its essence, and translated it into a sonic atrocity that makes you question whether you’d rather be chugging a gallon of cheese-flavored beer.

In conclusion, Vile Ambassador’s “Foreign Lab Hypocrisy” is a musical anomaly, a Frankenstein’s monster of genres stitched together with the finesse of a musical mad scientist. It’s a sonic adventure that feels more like a descent into madness, a journey through a musical labyrinth with no exit in sight. Milwaukee, you’ve given us beer, cheese, and now, Vile Ambassador – the gift that keeps on giving, even if it’s a gift no one asked for.


Prepare your eardrums for the impending disaster, folks, because Vile Ambassador has decided to bless the world with a third single and, brace yourselves, a full-length album. Yes, you heard it right – more of their auditory chaos is in the works. It’s like eagerly awaiting the arrival of a hurricane after surviving the initial storm. Will their third single be the musical equivalent of a tornado ripping through your sanity? Only time will tell. And a full-length album? It’s like they’ve declared war on musical decency, unleashing a subhuman onslaught that’s sure to leave a trail of bewildered listeners questioning their life choices. So, put on your helmets and get ready!

Facebook: @VileAmbassador

Youtube: @Vile_Ambassador

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Written by Richard Fitzgood

Richard Fitzgood is like John Cena-you can’t see him. But that’s where the similarities end.

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